Living A Confident Life Begins With Your Own Happiness

Happiness • Adventure • Excitement

Alexandra Streisand Coaching



Helping people explore, expand, and enhance their lives everyday.

Everything you are experiencing at this moment, whatever it is, is exactly what you need for your personal growth. Trust it.

The Confidence Coach 

Certified Confidence & Relationship Coach

Alexandra Streisand  

Only you have the power to control your happiness.

When you realize that, your whole world begins to change.

Feeling exhausted throughout your day and needing some quick pick-me-ups? 😴My 5 Quick Pick-Me-Ups are designed to motivate you when you need it most... Beca...


You can check out more of my videos here, or feel to learn more about me and what I do by clicking the buttons below! :)

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My Story

Let go of the judgement. Let go of the guilt. Let go of the idea you need to be someone you're not. Let go & be you. This is how I learned to let go.

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Opening your mind, body, and soul to all of the opportunities you deserve. 

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Take action

The first step towards reaching your goals is to decide that you are no longer willing to stay where you are. 
